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How to write an e-mail for Thank Someone for a Meeting

Sample Letter #1
Thank you for your suggestion on how to make our deliveries more efficient. I agree that we should begin using an electronic scheduling system. It is apparent that you have thought a lot about implementing such a system, and I would like to talk with you about it. I have forwarded this message to my secretary who will call you for an appointment.

Thanks again for your message. The ideas and suggestions of innovative, thinking people are always welcome.

Sample Letter #2
Thank you for your letter suggesting improvements and additions to our monthly catalog. This is exactly the kind of input we need to better serve our members' needs. I am sending your comments directly to the department manager. We welcome your involvement and will certainly consider implementing your ideas in future publications.

The Doe Company is committed to providing members with the services they need to make shopping by mail easy and worthwhile. As members continue to express their preferences, we will be able to respond with expanded and improved services.

Sample Letter #3
Thank you for your excellent suggestions regarding the layout of the parking lot. Indeed, the lot is in need of repainting, and I want you to meet with the parking lot people to discuss your plan before they repaint over the old lines. Such thoughtful suggestions from our employees are the basis of most of our growth. Please feel free to submit any reasonable suggestion to the suggestion box, and thank you again.

Sample Letter #4
Thank you for your candor in suggesting that we investigate our banker's record. We have done so, and we found that, while he has done nothing criminal, our money will be better off under someone else's more watchful eye. Good suggestions around here do not go unrewarded. I have enclosed a modest Suggestion Award bonus to help keep those creative thoughts flowing. Accept it with our thanks.

Sample Letter #5
Thank you for your letter to Mr. Doe regarding your observations and suggestions. Mr. Doe appreciates your comments and has asked me to respond on his behalf.

Your ideas for (list ideas) are very much appreciated. Our development team welcomes unsolicited recommendations such as yours. We discover many of our most popular features are a result of comments from our customers. We are always grateful to hear from you and encourage you to pass along your thoughts.

Your patronage and continuing goodwill are very important to us. We look forward to serving your future needs.


Hi [First Name],

Glad we got to meet at [event]. I checked out your website afterwards and loved your take on creating high performance teams. Have you tried using [recommendation]? I use that framework with my team and it has been incredibly successful.

Happy to chat more about it or send over some templates and examples if you’re interested.

Again, it was great meeting you at [Name of Networking Event], and I hope to see you again soon.



Hi [First Name],

It was great meeting at [name of event]. I remember you that you’re trying to revamp [project] next quarter, and I thought I would share a book that I used to exceed my own target goals by [result]. It’s called [Name of Book], and I just sent you the Kindle version of it. Hope you like it!

Happy to discuss the book or my own approach if you’d like. Just let me know!



dear John Smith,

Thanks for letting me to show you our new product yesterday, and I appreciate the time you took from your schedule. I hope you found my presentation interested, and that you could see how our softwares solutions could be a great time saver for your import and export dealings. I will call you next Thursday to hear your response, and to see if we can schedule another meeting with the rest of the management.

Kind regards,
Donald Wonder

Text After WhiteSmoke

Dear John Smith,

Thank you for allowing me to show you our new product yesterday. I appreciate the time you took from your busy schedule. I hope you found my presentation interesting, and that you could see how our software solutions could be a great time saver for you import and export dealings. I will call you next Thursday to hear your response, and to see if we can schedule another meeting with the rest of the management.

Kind Regards,

Donald Wonder
Wonder Tech


[City, State, Zip Code]

Dear [Name],

Thanks so much for taking the time to meet with me yesterday. It was great to be able to pick your brain regarding sales conversions on your website. I understand your concern as far as being able to afford my firm’s services, though I’m positive that the long term increase in conversion will more than make up for the short term investment.

Here is a case I’ve put together from a business similar to yours (Link to Study).

Regardless of whether you think this is a good fit for you, I just want to tell you how much I appreciate you giving me the opportunity to talk with you. I know your time is probably not a commodity that is in abundant supply these days.

Good luck with your ventures, and I hope to talk with you again soon.

Sincerely, Brad Stapleton




The Honorable [Name]

ATTN: [Staffer, Title]

[street address]


Dear [title] [last name]:

Thank you for taking the time to meet with me and other representatives of the [coalition name] last week regarding the challenges facing public transportation, especially [local project or topic of interest]. We enjoyed meeting with you and [legislative aide]. I’m glad we had the opportunity to discuss an issue that affects so many people in [city/state/community]. We especially appreciate your commitment to [describe any commitment made by the official].

The [coalition name] believes that public transportation is vital to quality of life of our community. As we discussed …[Insert one or two specific points about the importance of public transportation in the relevant geographical area.]

Our coalition would greatly appreciate your support [if support has been committed, "greatly appreciate your support"] in ensuring that public transportation is widely available to all who need it – especially the people living in [city/state/community]. On behalf of all our members and the thousands of citizens they represent, I want to thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to discuss this important matter. [Include any additional information, follow-up messages or other matters you discussed.]




Cc: [Transportation aide/staffer]

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