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Golang Tutorial

      E - commerce & Shop & CMS
      Compare Golang vs Node.js
      Java Programming Cheatsheet

E - commerce & Shop & CMS

GitHub - nsavelyeva/go-shopping: A Golang project for studying purpose

Golang Microservices — New generation programming language | by Impelsys Tech Blog | Impelsys | Medium

GitHub - kataras/iris: The fastest HTTP/2 Go Web Framework. New, modern and easy to learn. Fast development with Code you control. Unbeatable cost-performance ratio :rocket:

go-goyave/goyave: 🍐 Elegant Golang REST API ... GitHub https://github.com › go-goyave › goyave

GitHub - go-goyave/goyave: 🍐 Elegant Golang REST API Framework (v5 release candidate available)

Golang In Ecommerce


















mediamagi/magicms-medium: A simple test with Golang and content folder with markup and markdown

indaco/gohugo-tailwindcss-alpinejs-starter: Starter project with Hugo as MS, Tailwind CSS, Alpine.js and GitHub Actions

wittyprogramming/tailwindcss-alpinejs-starter: An opinionated starter template based on tainwindCSS, alpine.js, postcss and esbuild.

Compare Golang vs Node.js

Pros of Node.Js Cons of Node.Js
Useful for building scalable web applications Can be challenging to debug due to the dynamic typing of JavaScript and the potential for variable-related code errors
Integrates well with the NoSQL database MongoDB Asynchronous programming requires a high level of expertise to master and create scalable applications
Easy to learn due to the use of JavaScript APIs and packages may experience frequent changes and updates, leading to compatibility issues and confusion for developers
Provides fast performance with the built-in Event loop feature  
Active and growing community with frequent updates and releases  
Well-suited for building streaming applications  
Allows for easy caching of individual modules and promotes fast application development



Golang Pros Golang Cons
Easy to read and maintain code Requires more coding for simple features due to lack of complex abstractions
Neat and clean syntax Code reusability is more difficult because Go does not support generics
Actively supported by Google No built-in GUI library for building GUI applications
Prevents variable errors with static typing Community is less mature compared to some other popular programming languages
Alerts developers when code lacks documentation May consume more computing resources for complex programs, resulting in larger file sizes due to the absence of a virtual machine (VM)
Improved performance as a compiled language  
APIs available for testing and stretching code  
Static code analysis tools available, such as GoMetaLinter  
Supports concurrency for parallel processing

Java Programming Cheatsheet

Java Programming Cheatsheet

Java Cheat Sheet | Java Programming Cheat Sheet For Beginners | Edureka

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